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2022-02-23Sentinel LABSAntonio Pirozzi, Antonis Terefos, Idan Weizman
Sanctions Be Damned | From Dridex to Macaw, The Evolution of Evil Corp
Dridex WastedLocker
2022-02-23Sentinel LABSAntonio Pirozzi, Antonis Terefos, Idan Weizman
Sanctions Be Damned | From Dridex to Macaw, The Evolution of Evil Corp
Dridex WastedLocker
2022-02-09Sentinel LABSTom Hegel
ModifiedElephant APT and a Decade of Fabricating Evidence
DarkComet Incubator NetWire RC ModifiedElephant
2022-02-01Sentinel LABSAntonio Pirozzi, Antonis Terefos, Idan Weizman
Sanctions be Damned | From Dridex To Macaw, The Evolution of Evil Corp
Dridex FriedEx Hades Phoenix Locker WastedLocker
2022-02-01Sentinel LABSAntonio Pirozzi, Antonis Terefos, Idan Weizman
Sanctions be Damned | From Dridex To Macaw, The Evolution of Evil Corp
Dridex FriedEx Hades Phoenix Locker WastedLocker
2022-02-01Sentinel LABSAntonio Pirozzi, Antonis Terefos, Idan Weizman
Sanctions be Damned | From Dridex To Macaw, The Evolution of Evil Corp
Dridex FriedEx Hades Phoenix Locker WastedLocker
2022-01-12Sentinel LABSAmitai Ben Shushan Ehrlich
Wading Through Muddy Waters | Recent Activity of an Iranian State-Sponsored Threat Actor
2021-10-28Sentinel LABSJim Walter, Niranjan Jayanand
Spook Ransomware | Prometheus Derivative Names Those That Pay, Shames Those That Don’t
2021-10-28Sentinel LABSJim Walter, Niranjan Jayanand
Spook Ransomware | Prometheus Derivative Names Those That Pay, Shames Those That Don’t
2021-08-23Sentinel LABSJim Walter, Juan Andrés Guerrero-Saade
Hive Attacks | Analysis of the Human-Operated Ransomware Targeting Healthcare
2021-08-23Sentinel LABSJim Walter, Juan Andrés Guerrero-Saade
Hive Attacks | Analysis of the Human-Operated Ransomware Targeting Healthcare
2021-08-19Sentinel LABSJoey Chen, Yi-Jhen Hsieh
ShadowPad | A Masterpiece of Privately Sold Malware in Chinese Espionage
2021-08-19Sentinel LABSJoey Chen, Yi-Jhen Hsieh
ShadowPad | A Masterpiece of Privately Sold Malware in Chinese Espionage
2021-08-12Sentinel LABSSentinelLabs
ShadowPad: A Masterpiece of Privately Sold Malware in Chinese Espionage
ShadowPad Earth Lusca
2021-08-04Sentinel LABSGal Kristal
Hotcobalt – New Cobalt Strike DoS Vulnerability That Lets You Halt Operations
Cobalt Strike
2021-06-08Sentinel LABSJuan Andrés Guerrero-Saade
ThunderCats Hack the FSB | Your Taxes Didn’t Pay For This Op
Mail-O Tmanger TA428
2021-04-19Sentinel LABSMarco Figueroa
A Deep Dive into Zebrocy’s Dropper Docs
2021-03-08Sentinel LABSJim Walter
HelloKitty Ransomware Lacks Stealth, But Still Strikes Home
2021-01-11Sentinel LABSPhil Stokes
FADE DEAD | Adventures in Reversing Malicious Run-Only AppleScripts
2020-12-23Sentinel LABSJames Haughom, Jim Walter, Marco Figueroa
SolarWinds | Understanding & Detecting the SUPERNOVA Webshell Trojan